Skirt! Magazine Endowed Scholarship

The Skirt. Magazine Endowed Scholarship was established in 2012 by Skirt. Magazine’s founder and original editor, Nikki Hardin. Skirt. Magazine is a monthly print publication and website for women.
Hardin was a single mom with three children when she started college, at the age of 29. She earned a B.A. in Literature from American University in 1976 and attended graduate school at the University of Virginia on a Governor’s Fellowship. She started her first full-time job a year later when she was hired as a secretary at Reston Publishing Company, a subsidiary of Prentice-Hall. In 1985 she moved to Charleston, SC and spent the next few years working part-time jobs. She founded Skirt! Magazine in 1994 with not much more than $400 and the desire to have something interesting to read.
The Skirt! Magazine Endowed Scholarship recognizes students who:
• Are acknowledged by professors, mentors, and/or community leaders as an advocate for women’s issues,
• Have demonstrated community involvement, such as volunteering or mentoring, with a nonprofit or other organization that serves women and/or women and girls.
Awardees must:
• Be full-time students at the College of Charleston,
• Have junior or senior standing, with a minimum 3.5 GPA,
• List the full contact information for a professor, mentor, and/or community leader who would be able to speak directly to the applicant’s strengths as an advocate for women’s issues.
The scholarship selection process gives preference to women students and also students with an interest in communications, public relations, marketing, digital media, or excellence in writing or public speaking as well as Women’s and Gender Studies. The Skirt. scholarship is $2,000 per year.

Supplemental Questions
  1. Please explain your commitments to issues that impact women specifically, detailing your experiences as a volunteer, mentor, and/or advocate for women (and girls, if applicable).
  2. Why do you believe you are a suitable awardee for the Skirt! Magazine Scholarship?
  3. Please provide full contact information for a professor, mentor, and/or community leader who can speak directly to your strengths as an advocate for women’s issues.