Kanat T. Durgun Memorial Linguistics Studies Scholarship

The Linguistics Studies Minor awards one scholarship a year in memory of Dr. K.T. Durgun. Dr. Durgun was a mathematician who loved languages, and loved taking classes at the College of Charleston. In memory of her husband, Mrs. Anne Durgun has made a donation to the Linguistics Studies Minor for student scholarships based on financial need.
The following criteria are required to be eligible for the Linguistics Studies Minor scholarship:
a. Students must declare the Linguistics Studies Minor

b. Students must have a minimum overall GPA of 3.25

c. Students must have a minimum GPA of 3.5 in the Linguistics Studies Minor

h. Students may reapply one time for additional scholarship funds while completing the Linguistics Studies Minor

i. Students must complete LING 125 and at least two other courses that apply to the Linguistics Studies Minor before applying for the scholarship

j. Students must have completed or be in the process of completing at least one course under LING at the 200-level or above

k. Extra-curricular activities with linguistics will be considered for awarding the scholarship (e.g., Major/Minor Fair, Linguistics Club leadership, World Cultures Fair, etc.)

Supplemental Questions
  1. Have you completed or are in the process of completing at least one course under LING at the 200-level or above?
  2. What extra-curricular activities with linguistics have you participated in? (e.g., Major/Minor Fair, Linguistics Club leadership, World Cultures Fair, etc.)
  3. In no more than 500 words tell us a) why you are studying linguistics? and b) How will this scholarship help your linguistics studies and future career?
  4. Optional: Is there any other information you would like to share about your interest in linguistics?